Saturday, September 10, 2011

8 Months and a Rant

I am going to start with my rant. It is something that has been on my mind since right after I had Brynn, and I just needed to figure out when I wanted to voice my mind about it.

All of you moms out there know people always share their birth stories and ask about yours. Some women take pride in having a "natural" birth, other have no issues using drugs to ease their pain. Why is it that we as moms then are always judging eachother? Let me explain...

If you have been following my blog, you know I ended up with an emergency C-section with Brynn. It wasn't planned. It wasn't wanted. It was necessary. Why is it then when I say I had a c-section when I am asked about her birth, I feel like I need to explain and defend myself? I get this look from some moms like "oh... that is too bad." Almost like I am less of a mother for it. I should not feel like I have to explain that my c-section was an emergency. I am THANKFUL for the technology that is in place that allowed my doctor to determine a c-section was necessary. If our modern day technology had not existed, Brynn would not be here today. If I had not trusted in my doctors and refused a c-section like so many mothers say to do, I would have been putting Brynn's life at risk and again, she wouldn't have survived delivery with her cord wrapped around her neck four times.

I usually don't use my blog as a space to preach... but this was something that just had really irked me. Having a home birth or natural birth for some moms is what they want to do. Is it something I would choose to do? No. But I don't judge them for it. I am and was happy giving birth in a hospital. I was in a place that I felt comfortable, and could quickly be helped in the case of an emergency. I went into labor hoping and praying for a healthy baby most importantly, and also wanting the experience of a vaginal birth. No, I didn't get the delivery I wanted, but Brynn was healthy, perfect, and beautiful, and in the end... isn't that what matters?

OK. Switching gears :) Brynn is a big 8 month old tomorrow! No major milestones since last entry... just crawling like crazy and trying to pull herself up on everything... so she has a huge bruise right now on her forehead from that! She and I both survived her first week of daycare. School went great, and I have some amazing kids this year. I think it is going to be a really good year.

I need to upload some pics to the computer. I haven't been takinng as many since I have been back at work the last 2 weeks. I finally get a pay check this week so that is exciting, too! I will try to get some up tomorrow or early this week.

With tomorrow being 9.11, please remember our fallen heros and our men and women who are overseas protecting us, as well as the ones right here on our own land protecting us from hatred. God bless them and all their families.

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