Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Second Trimester

Today I am 14 weeks.  Hello second trimester.  However, I feel like I look like I'm 20 weeks.  Oh well... Uterus knows what it's doing third time around.  I'm still nauseous.  Not quite as tired.  I also am pretty sure I felt the baby for the first time this week so that is exciting.  Two more weeks until we should find out if baby is a boy or girl.  Here is a pic of me, tonight, at 14 weeks.

I've been sick this week which hasn't been fun.  I've been throwing up more, and it's funny sometimes I don't know if it's due to being pregnant or sick.  This week it's been a combination--  it hasn't been fun.  I'm hoping to get a good night sleep tonight.

I guess the biggest news is Brynn is having surgery at Children's Hospital to get a cyst removed from her neck.  They think it may be what is called a thyroglossal duct cyst (google it if you want more info) or just a dermoid.  Nothing serious, but needs to be removed so it doesn't get bigger/ infected.  I know I'm so lucky she is healthy and things could be worse but I'm nervous about the process and her being put under.  I'm hoping we get to come home, but we may need to stay,  depends on how surgery goes I guess.  Positive thoughts and prayers for Miss Brynn would be appreciated!  Her surgery is at 8am, but we have to check in at 6:30 so it's gonna be an early morning!

This pregnancy is going much quicker than Brynn's.  It's been nice.  As a side note, 4 years ago today I found out I was pregnant with her!

I'll update about Brynn's surgery this weekend. ❤️