Friday, June 14, 2013

Lovin' Summer

In case anyone is wondering.... I am still loving mowing the lawn!  As far as Brynn goes, she is so fun.  She makes me laugh so much everyday.  She is such a special little girl and every day amazes me with what she knows.  I know every parent thinks their kid is awesome, super smart, etc... And I'm no different.  Here are some of the things Miss Brynn can do:

1. She can name/ recognize every letter of the alphabet but misses g and q sometimes.  She has an alphabet puzzle she does by herself... It's fun to watch.

2.  Not only can Brynn count to 12 and recognizes/ knows all those numbers... She can effortlessly count backwards from 10-1.

3.  She is just hysterical having conversations.  The things she says and she actually can be funny... And I know she is saying things to be funny on purpose!  So fun to see that.  One of my favorite things she has been saying lately
Is "okey dokie!" Instead of ok.  I don't even know where she learned that.  She is such a talker.  We have full on conversations with her.  It's crazy!!

4.  Today Dan and I were in awe because we were eating dinner and we could hear a helicopter.  Not only did Brynn say helicopter... She knew the sound was different and knew it wasn't an airplane.  Dan and I stared at each other in awe.

I could go on and on bragging about my kid :). She is just a riot.  She still loves her books and singing, but is enjoying imaginary play so much lately which is totally fun.  She would live outside if I let her.  Specifically at the park.  I am just living the weather we've had the last 2 days.

Ok... Brynn does have some faults :). Our perfect sleeper had not been perfect.  I've read it's common at her age but she no longer will just go to bed on her own... We need to sing to her/ lay with her/ sit by her.  She has been waking up a lot too and crying.  It's been tough.

There's a little update.  Just loving my time with her, enjoying time off, but also looking forward to soccer this fall!

We went to Stillwater tonight!