Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Was Called Miss!

Ok... I don't know why this was so exciting to me, but yesterday while checking out at Rainbow the cashier called me miss! I feel like I get called ma'am all the time... and it makes me feel old. I then wonder if I look old enough to be a ma'am... and what constitues someone choosing to call me ma'am or miss? I know... way too much thought into it. However, it made my day hearing her call me miss :)

Summer has flown by I don't have much of a baby left anymore... she is such a little toddler. She has really started talking a lot. When she opens her mouth to say something, most of the time we know what she is saying or wants. It helps a lot with the communication piece. She knows a lot of her animal sounds, too... dogs, cats, ducks (which she loves), and monkeys. She has enjoyed playing with her big duplos, which has been nice. She still loves Mickey Mouse, but Elmo is a close second. When we see babies at the store, she will point to them and say baby. I would say that has been the most exciting thing over the last month. She is really beginning to make connections to things. She will see babies, airplanes, water on TV, and point to them and say the word.

So my last post about being clueless... fortunately that didn't last long and it was due to teething molars! Brynn's molar popped through and then crying at night stopped. She has been a lot better.

Soccer started last week... it has been going really well. I am more worried about the adjustment when I am back at work and coaching and Brynn will have such long days away from me. It really is only for September though so that will not be too bad.

Capstone is just about complete. I am just waiting on the final ok so I can type up my table of contents and print. I can't wait until it is all said and done. Then I wont feel guilty spending my time doing things around the house.

Speaking of house... we are still enjoying our home so much. We really like Cottage Grove and the convenience of everything. The dogs are getting more used to having a yard, and Brynn loves being able to run around outside, too.

Brynn is getting pretty good at dribbling the soccer ball. I got some video of it but it also got Maia and Kolby being obnoxious... so once I edit it I will have to post it. Otherwise... here are some pics from the last month.

Brynn at the beach on the St. Croix