Friday, March 2, 2012

Bring on Spring!

I need, make that I MUST get better with blogging while I am working. The fact that Brynn just hangs on me when she is awake makes it more difficult to have any time for me. Then when she is sleeping, I try to get as much cleaning/ laundry/ facebooking :) in as possible... I must fit blogging in there.

This winter has been terrible on colds/ being sick. I have another cold. Brynn had a couple days of throwing up. Thank goodness I get 12 sick days a year. I have gone through more than half of them, and I don't even want to use them for myself! We just had a follow up for her ears, and they looked good. I told Dr. Gobel I hope to not have to see her until Brynn is in for her 15 month check up in April.

So, what have the Babich's been up to. Well, for one, Brynn is surprising us every day with new things she is learning to do. She can sign "more"... and loves doing this when she wants chocolate or sweets :) She can say "x-box" thanks to Kevin :) She said cheese to me today. She says mama, dada, nigh nigh (night night). She gives kisses, blows kisses, waves bye-bye, points at the light when I ask her where it is. She knows who mickey mouse is and LOVES him. She especially loves the hot dog dance at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She also loves when I sing to her the theme song to Little Einsteins. Brynn loves to dance, clap her hands, pat her knees, loves to be chased, and just being silly. It is hard to believe how much she has changed in the last year... going from a blob to a little person. As much as it can be tough, her wanting constant attention from me when she sees me, it is a good feeling having the love finally reciprocated.

Brynn does not like fruits very much at all. I can't really even get her to eat veggies. I joke with Kevin and Kelsey that she wont want to eat anything this summer from me because they feed her so well for lunch! She loves cheese and meat. She also loves bread. Brynn loves milk and drinking from straws... all of her sippys have straws.

Brynn has been sleeping so well! 11-12 hours straight many nights. Every so often there will be a night where she wakes up once, but usually it is at like 9:30, and then will sleep until we need to wake her up to leave in the morning. It has been heavenly.

Tonight, Brynn kissed me on the forehead. I just about died! It was the best feeling ever. It was the first time she initiated kissing me-- I didn't even ask her to. I get teary eyed just thinking about it.

Dan and I have began our house hunt. I am going to look at what I think could be the perfect house for us on Sunday. It is in Inver Grove, great location, and I have driven by it twice already today to check it out. I will be seeing it Sunday afternoon, and if Brynn and I approve, Dan and I will go again next week. He is up north fishing this weekend which is why I am going at it alone.

I have been terrible with pictures because my camera batteries had been dead, and I couldn't find the charger. I finally found it and charged up the batteries so hopefully in the next week I can get some updated pics up.

As far as life for me goes, we just wrapped up the 2nd trimester at school. It is hard to believe we only have 1 left. I am looking forward to warmer weather and getting to play with Brynn outside this spring and summer. I can see how these winters get especially long for moms and dads with little ones at home. I am hoping we will be in our own home this summer. I will just keep praying that it all works out.

That is all I have for now... I promise, I will get some pics up soon.