Saturday, September 25, 2010

Almost 24 Weeks

I finally had Dan take a picture of me pregnant... I haven't taken any. I don't know why, maybe because I took a few of them with Elizabeth... and I just was afraid of doing it again?? That sounds dumb... but anyway, we took one. Seeing myself in the picture is so different than seeing myself in the mirror. I feel like I actually look pregnant now, not just fat.

Dan and I went to Babies R Us today to begin registering.... yikes. Talk about overwhelming. It was nice to finally get started, and we still need to make it to Target, but we got a start at least. I am hoping this weekend to start cleaning out the room, too.

Not much else to report. She is moving a lot more now... and I have my next appt on Oct. 1-- so hopefully all goes well again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Week of School

Well, the first week of school has come and gone. I always have mixed emotions about a new year. I wonder what the kids will be like, will they like science, will they like me as their teacher, will they be well behaved... etc. So far so good. This is a good bunch of kids so far. Of course, they are 8th graders, so you have a few naughty/sneaky ones... but for the most part... such a good group! I always look forward to finally knowing all of the kids names, and building a relationship with them. Once that happens, teaching is even more fun!

Last week I began thinking about not being at school during my maternity leave, and hoping my long term sub does a good job of teaching the kids what they need to know. I like to have things done my way-- especially in my classroom-- and I am beginning to realize I will have to let go while I am gone. I am sure once I have that little girl in my arms, it will be easier... but just something that I have began to think about.

Between soccer and school-- I was so tired everyday. I was in bed my 9... and of course my alarm goes off at 5:30am every morning so I am out the door by 6:30am.

Yesterday was an emotional day. I am not sure why yesterday. I have many more good days than bad days, but yesterday everything just hit me. As I am getting farther and farther along, this is becoming more and more real, and I am so afraid of losing this little girl again. It is so reassuring to feel her ninja kicks ALL the time, but still scary. I just can't wait for January. The first half of my pregnancy went so quick- but at the same time slow- I am hoping this second half goes fast- which I am sure it will since I am back at work and have the holidays to get through.

Dan and I really need to begin registering- which is so overwhelming. I have no idea what bottles to get/ how many/ what types of nipples-- since I am breastfeeding. I hope to not use them that often, but obviously will need to when I am not around and eventually when I go back to work-- if I return before the end of the school year. Between that and getting the bedroom cleaned out and turned into a nursery-- we are going to busy! And I SHOULD be beginning my capstone for grad school. Hopefully once soccer is done.

Speaking of nursery-- I just ordered our bedding for the baby today!! I have had my eye on it for a long time, and I just happened to go on and look at it again today, and it was on sale! So Dan and I decided to order it, and we should have it by the end of the week! It is SO cute.

So tomorrow is the first Monday morning of the school year. Blah. Hopefully this week goes fast, because I am looking forward to next weekend already. My birthday is on Saturday. We are going wedding dress shopping for Shannon, and then we are going to have dinner at Burger Moe's on West 7th-- it is a new restaurant that sounds amazing and my mouth is already watering excited for it. I am sure Dan and I will go there quite a bit during the Wild season, since it is right by the Xcel.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I am so loving this nice fall weather!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crib and Changing Table!

BIG purchase this morning. Thanks to my awesome neighbor and friend, Keri, she let me know that Target was having a sale today on a baby crib.... so I went online and checked the ad... what do you know... it is the EXACT crib we were registerd for!! The deal was buy the crib we got the changing table for free :) So we headed off to our Target... we got there at 9am (opens at 8am), and they were already sold out! The lady that helped us was nice, and told us that Brinsville had 2 left. So we headed to the car, I called, and again had such a nice lady help us. She pulled it out for us and held it until we got there... so we got it! I got a bit emotional putting it into the car. So crazy. It is one more big step to the baby being here! Here are the pics of our crib and changing table.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The BIG 2-0

So, yesterday was my big 20 week appt/ ultrasound. I was 20 weeks 2 days, and baby is measuring 20 weeks 4 days... so right on track! I am officially past my loss date, and it feels so good. Baby girl looks so perfect! Everything is great!! She is so stinkin' cute! She has the cutest little nose and it is so fun seeing her move all over in my belly on the ultrasound. Our ultrasound tech said that means she is happy in there! :) My next appt is Oct. 1 and I will be 24 weeks! WOW! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Before I know it, soccer will be over... then we have October... then Thanksgiving and Christmas and we know how fast the holidays go... then BAM January the baby will be here! I can't wait!

Since everything looked good yesterday, this means we need to being buying the big stuff-- crib/ furniture and stuff for the nursery. We also need to start cleaning everything out of the room.

Exhaustion. This sums up the last week for me. Holy buckets. September is going to be rough, especially with lots of Saturday games. Between working all day and soccer.... I am so tired. Yesterday we went to the fair. It was really chilly! But I told Dan, being at the stage I am in my pregnancy was perfect for the fair! My appetite was amazing! I have never eaten so much in one day at the fair!! If I would have been in my 1st trimester, I couldn't have eaten anything. If it was my 3rd, I wouldn't have been able to walk all day (I struggled yesterday being 20 weeks!) so maybe we should plan future babies around the state fair :) Haha. Let's see.... what did we have to eat. We split everything.... we started with foot long hot dog, then we tried a pickle dog (pastrami, pickle, cream cheese, jalepenos), philly sandwhich, waffle fries, corn fritters, deep fried pickles, cheese curds, sweet marthas cookies, caramel apples... I think that is it. It was awesome.

So what am I worrying about now??? FLYING to Miami. I have a workshop I am going to and hate flying, and the idea of the possibility of something going wrong when I am so close to having our little girl, scares me. Argh.

Today we are going to my friend Sara's and her husband John's house for dinner! It will be so nice :) Tomorrow BBQ at Dan's moms... and back to work with the kiddos Tuesday. Dan and I have a lot of talking to do as far as maternity leave. My goal is to take off the rest of the year. We will see what happens. Have a good weekend!